StanfordDigital Repository

Long term preservation of scholarly works at Stanford

Go to the SDR Dashboard

to create or manage deposits

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This website will be down for maintenance from late afternoon PDT on Aug 2, 2024 through early morning PDT on Aug 5, 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Photo credit*

The process is simple

  1. Describe your work and upload your file(s).
  2. Choose a license and access settings.
  3. Click "Deposit" to submit.
Learn more about SDR Services

Small effort for large payoff

  • Persistent link for sharing your content
  • Preserved by the Libraries
  • Discoverable by all via SearchWorks

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Who can deposit?

Members of the Stanford community:

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Postdocs
  • Staff

What can I deposit?

Material of scholarly value:

  • Research data in any format, including data for publications
  • Articles, working paper, pre-prints, technical reports, etc
  • Student works, such as honors theses and course research projects
  • Artistic works
  • Conference materials, like slides and posters
  • Archival documents, recordings, oral histories, etc.

Why should I deposit?

Features of SDR:

  • Shareable, persistent link for citing your work
  • Findable in SearchWorks, the library catalog, which is crawled by Google
  • Easily shareable via social media and embeddable in other websites
  • Available to the world or just Stanford -- you decide!
  • Embargos available up to 3 years
  • Your choice of licenses
  • Digital preservation by Stanford Libraries
  • DOIs also available

When should I deposit?

Deposit your works:

  • When they are complete and ready to share
  • To accompany an article at the time of the article's publication
  • To fulfill the sharing requirements of a grant
  • Before you or your colleagues move on from Stanford

The SDR is not designed as working space or backup storage.

*Visualization Lab of SLAC’s Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC). Dwarf Galaxy animation. 3-D videos, created from actual data, show the origins of the universe. Credit: Linda A. Cicero and Steve Fyffe / Stanford News Service; Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology May 30, 2012